We get by with a little help..Behind the Scenes with The Cordial Sins

The Cordial Sins put out bangers in the Indie Rock genre. Not only are they talented, but I’m also lucky enough to call them friends. I lept at the chance to help them with their music video to their new certified slap, “You Are a Weight.” It’s Ah-Mazing, and I can’t wait for you to see it.

I’ve also teamed up with Midwest Photo for a podcast discussion and a behind-the-scenes to show what it’s like being a photographer in the local scene here. You can listen here and you can find the video here! You’ll see me with the Cordial Sins and the team at Midwest coming together to create a project we're proud of. Shout out to Jared Williamson & Zach Ford for the solid videography and editing skills!
And if we’ve done a proper job with the video you’ll also see that I couldn’t do what I do without the support of those who believe in me.
I’m eternally grateful for all the working relationships I’ve accrued over the years. From my friends who trusted me to become clients to strangers who take a chance on me all the way to local businesses who support me. Each one means the world to me as an independent photographer here in Columbus.
All photos are taken by Emma Parker Photography.
For more information, please contact Emma at eparker.photo1@gmail.com.
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